Ovulation Caledar v2015.3.0.0 英文正式版(專門針對女性製作的生理週期記錄軟體)
Ovulation Caledar是一款專門針對女性製作的生理週期記錄軟件,該軟件能夠記錄每位女性用
戶的排卵週期,並幫助用戶改善和制定計劃式的週期計算;Ovulation Caledar中包含有圖標和
Ovulation Caledar Creation Software calculates your
personal ovulation calendar to help you achieve pregnancy
or to avoid it. The program charts your ovulation cycle on
a monthly calendar and an easy to follow graph. You can
then use this information predict the calendar days you are
most likely to be fertile so that you can achieve or avoid
pregnancy. Every woman's ovulation cycle has many days with
low probability of pregnancy, and a few good days to get
pregnant and best days to conceive a boy or to conceive a
girl. The program helps you discover these optimal days.
