Chaos Software Legal Billing v10.1.0.1 英文正式版(律師計費方案軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
Chaos Software Legal Billing 是專為繁忙的律師和其他法律的專業人士收費工時工作的法
Legal Billing是一個小獨營執業的律師事務所和靈活的計費理想方案。Legal Billing可用來
記錄法案處理所用的時間,費用,報酬, 並且同時可以有記錄提供報告和客戶基本說
Legal Billing is a valuable tool for busy lawyers and other
professionals. It tracks billable time, expenses, and payments as well
as offering reports and basic client statements.
Legal Billing 7 can work by itself as a simple billing package, but can
also be used in combination with one of our contact management programs.
ChaosFree is a great choice as it is actually free to use, but our more
powerful Intellect 4 or Time & Chaos 8 programs work well with this
version of Legal Billing, too.
