XP Repair Pro 5.0 英文正式版(系統最佳化軟體)
你的電腦不時出現Error問題?相信這軟體能幫到你!XP Repair Pro能夠測試系統註
-改進系統, 程式及遊戲之`表現和穩定
-其它Customizable 特點, 包括...
XP Repair Pro not only fixes nearly every error within Windows, but
it also optimizes various parts of the system to operate at their
peak performance. The Registy is made up of millions of settings
which are stored on your hard drive as files. Windows and other
programs use the registry to store settings and other various pieces
of information. The Registry Defragmentation Utility gathers up these
files and places them in one area of your hard drive. This does two
things. It speeds up Windows by allowing it to access these settings
faster, and it keeps your hard drive from wear and tear. To see more
benefits, click the Benefits tab at the top of the Window to learn
more about how XP Repair Pro will improve your computer experience.
