Acesoft Tracks Eraser Pro v8.7.3 build 1001 英文正式版(系統清理軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
Tracks Eraser 它將會清除你電腦上網的活動蹤跡,以保護你個人的隱私。藉由滑鼠單鍵,你
執行history、搜尋history、開啟/儲存的history和最近的文件。藉由免費的plug ins,你可
Tracks Eraser Pro deletes following history data for you:
Delete Address bar history of IE, Netscape, AOL, Opera
Delete Cookies of IE, Netscape, AOL, Opera
Delete Internet cache (temporary Internet files)
Delete Internet history files
Delete Internet search history
Delete history of autocomplete
Delete IE plugins (selectable)
Delete index.dat file
Delete history of start menu run box
Delete history of start menu search box
Delete windows temp files
Delete history of open/save dialog box
Empty recycle bin
