Upclock Software Keyboard Tracer v1.9 英文正式版(鍵盤和滑鼠動作記錄軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
Keyboard Tracer是一款方便易用的鍵盤和滑鼠點擊操作記錄軟體。可以記錄下別人未經允許擅
Keyboard Tracer is an easy-to-use tool to record keyboard and monitor keystrokes on
your own computer. It can track activities of other people using your keyboard without
your permission. KeyLogger runs in invisible mode automatically after Windows starts up.
![Upclock Software Keyboard Tracer v1.9 英文正式版(鍵盤和滑鼠動作記錄軟體)](/softimage/SUP4461.jpg)