XUS Desktop v1.8.77 英文正式版(替代windows桌面軟體)
XUS Destop 在啟用之後會自動替代windows桌面,外面的一圓圈快捷方式在默認情況下包括了
No more clutter on your laptop/PC desktop! With XUS Desktop
you can easily organize all your desktop shortcut icons.
Finally your desktop will look beautifully organized like it
has never been before. XUS Desktop is extremely easy to use
and while it is very thrifty on resources it permits (beside
some handy power functions) the quickest access to any
location on your system and launching multiple programs is
now a breeze. Download here a fully functional trial version
which can be evaluated for 30 runs. Should you decide to buy
a license at the end of the trial period, there will be no
need to uninstall as an registration code will be immediately
emailed to you upon completing a secure and quick online
purchase transaction. The launcher is very flexible and it
can be configured/customized to suit your needs in a couple
of minutes only. Once you have tried XUS Desktop, you'll no
longer want to be without it!
