FileStream Turbo Browser v11.6.002060417 英文正式版(強大的資源管理器的替代軟體)
Turbo Browser 是一個強大的資源管理器的替代工具,其操作介面也與資源管理
反之則可立即刪除以節省您的硬碟空間。對於一些未安裝Office 97的使用者,
Turbo Browser可以直接讓您流覽Office 97檔,包括Word 97、Excel等等。當然,
圖形檔及多媒體檔,Turbo Browser也都能立即開啟流覽,壓縮、解壓檔也非常方便,
配合Turbo Zip更是如虎添翼。
From editing or optimizing individual or groups of digital photos
to managing all your PDF and Office Documents, this multiple
award winning software lets you organize, group convert and
optimize, create DVD/CD, slideshow, group rename, change file
properties, print, compress, upload, download, publish Web sites,
plus edit HTML, script, text, RTF, and HEX in its color coded
editor. There is no other software that lets you do so much all
in one place. This latest new release supports all popular
digital camera RAW formats; it also supports burning to Blu-ray
and HD-DVD discs.
