Joboshare iPod Rip v3.3.4.0615 英文正式版(iPod工具軟體)
Joboshare iPod RIP是易於使用的 iPod的備份, iPod的傳輸軟體,它可以快速翻錄,複製和
傳輸你的音樂,電影,照片, EPUB ,PDF格式,有聲讀物,語音備忘錄,相機膠卷(IOS 4段) ,
播客和電視節目從iPod到電腦,反之亦然,甚至沒有iTunes 。與iPod相容所有格式都支援。此外,
Joboshare iPod的翻錄幫助您建立,編輯,刪除和轉移的iPod播放列表。 RIP軟體專業的iPod ,
你可以在同一時間在多個iPod的複製文件的iPod到iPod 。
Joboshare iPod Rip can fast transfer music, videos, photos,
podcasts and TV Shows from iPod to Computer, iPod to iTunes.
Joboshare iPod Rip can manage iPhone like a portable hard
drive. It is the best iPod/iPhone transfer software that
supports iPhone 3GS (iPhone OS 3.1).
![Joboshare iPod Rip v3.3.4.0615 英文正式版(iPod工具軟體)](/softimage/SUP4861.jpg)