N-Button v1.5.0.511 英文正式版(創建漂浮在你的桌面小部件控制外部設備軟體)
或發送數據列表。它支持PC機之間的串行端口/ USB及網絡連接和設備。它允許您訪問和控制
備,Android平板電腦,平板電腦的Windows以及Linux和Mac。N - 按鈕使得它可以控制你沒
N-Button creates widgets that float on your desktop to
control external devices, send specified data, run
applications, send http requests or send data lists. It
supports Serial Port/ USB and Network connection between a PC
and devices. It allows you to access and control the widgets
remotely. Through internet browser, you can control your
devices from anywhere with your computer, iPhone, iPad,
Android tablet, Windows tablet as well as Linux and Mac.
N-Button makes it possible to CONTROL YOU DEVICES WITHOUT ANY
PROGRAMMING, especially for relay controller boards of
National Control Devices.
