TweakNow WinSecret 2012 v4.2.1+2 英文正式版(系統調整工具軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
TweakNow WinSecret是一個系統調整工具。調整包括了各種辦法來限制訪問的文件夾和控制
TweakNow WinSecret 可以輕易的調整各項設定來增進效能,而且出現問題時還可以直接還原,
讓使用者可以放心的去做調整 。支援XP/Vista系統。它提供了一個方便的界面來達到修改、優
As a long time Windows user you might have heard about
registry. The registry is a special file in your hard disk that
hold most of Windows settings data. Wish to improve your
internet speed or display message at Windows logon? No problem,
those tasks can easily be done by simply editing the registry
value. Unfortunately registry is not a friendly place for most
people. Changing a wrong value in the registry may cause an
unpredictable problem to your Windows. This is why novice users
should not edit registry value directly using a registry editor
by them self.
