SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 3 v3.2.852 英文正式版(熱帶魚水族箱螢幕保護軟體)
SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 是著名的熱帶魚水族箱螢幕保護程式(其前身是 Sachs Marine
Aquarium ),它屢獲軟體大獎,在許多的軟體下載網站的排行榜中也名列前茅,甚至此屏保還
被微軟收入其 WinXP Plus Pack 之中。2.0 版不僅修復了此前版本中存在的 Bug ,而且更新了
軟體的設置界面,使之更加美觀;另外還增加了 5 種新的熱帶魚 (總數已達 26 種),使這個水
After years of development, SereneScreen Marine
Aquarium 3 is finally available for download and
purchase! MA3 is not just an update to previous
versions - the entire program has been re-written
from the ground up as a full 3D environment, taking
advantage of the increased capabilities of modern
video cards.
