Capture Net Professional v11.8.4652 英文正式版(強大的桌面軟體)
‧集一般小工具於一身. 讓您PC上的工作更加簡快與清爽.
‧Support Post-It 桌面便利貼. Calendar 視窗月曆. ScreenRuler 視窗尺.
‧CaptureScreen 畫面擷取. CaptureColor 色彩擷取. Converter 轉換專家.
‧Alarm Clock 視窗小鬧鐘. Windows Spy 視窗偵查. Backup Expert 備份專家
‧Privacy Eraser 隱私清除. Font Viewer 字體流覽. Optimize Mem 最佳化記憶體
‧Magnifier 視窗放大鏡. File Shredder 檔案撕碎機. QuickLaunch 快速啟動...etc.
‧Support MultiLanguage 英語/繁體/簡體/德語
Capture .NET is an exquisite and multifunctional desktop utility.
Includes many helpful tools: capture screen, capture color,
screen calendar, screen clock, screen ruler, backup expert,
converter, countdown/up timer, degree measure, file shredder, font
manager, lunar phases, post it, privacy eraser, quick launch,
reveal password, system info, time synchronization, windows spy,
world clock, and alarm clock. All-in-one, Multilanguage, simple,
