PGWARE PCMedik v6.10.22.2012 英文正式版(優化你的電腦軟體)
PCMedik可以優化你的電腦,讓PC發揮更大的性能,大大減少死機的事件。PCMedik 操作簡單,
型。3點擊[優化]按鈕。PCMedik就會自動完成全部的優化設定! 如果優化後系統出現不穩定或
PCMedik 6 sets the standard for PC repair and optimization
software. One of the first and most comprehensive products
to increase computer performance, it increases overall
speed and squeezes out every last bit of performance your
computer is capable of. PCMedik also locates and repairs
problems with software and hardware incompatibilities which
lead to loss of computer performance and stability. Very
easy to use, fully compliant with the latest versions of
Microsoft Windows and brings new life to your computer.
Take your existing computer and revitalize it the easy way.
