DreamFly Software Clipboard Box v5.0 英文正式版(Windows剪貼板的延伸軟體)
一款Windows剪貼板的延伸工具。Clipboard Box在增加的剪貼板功能上能節省時間並且使你效
每個人都需要Clipboard Box,特別是程式員和辦公室人員。
01. Clipboard Box有100個剪貼板讓你保留你的數據。
02. 能保留任何正文或者圖像。
03. 小巧玲瓏的MAC 的GUI(圖表用戶界面)
04. 易於使用的界面,只要通過點擊項目就能完成取回。
05. 能保存並載入任何你喜歡的項目。
06. 能想怎樣就怎樣確定你自己的選擇。
07. 可以用你自己設定的熱鍵粘貼項目。
08. 視窗可隨意改變大小。
09. 支援視窗平台︰Win98,WinME,Win2000,WinXP,Win2003,WinNT
10. 拖到螢幕的邊緣時,視窗能自動隱藏。
11. 可切換選項的熱鍵。
12. 按你的意願存入任何文件夾。
13. 你可以在任何窗口細節修改項目,並應用之。
Clipboard Box will drastically increase the power,
capability and functioning of your clipboard
Now you have a clean tool that will be very helpful
you while using the most regularly used function i.e.
copy paste.
With simplicity as its key feature this tool is
enhanced with the feature to save up to numerous
instead of one likely in the regular Windows. The
has a very easy to comprehend interface so that one
quite aware of what and where the copy paste activity
is to be done. The tool has the ability to save any
text or images, can save and load almost anything,
can also set own options,automatic hiding of window
soon as it reaches to the edge of the screen are the
other features that make this tool more attractive.
This tool that proves to be a must have for Doctors,
Lawyers, Teachers any many more professional.
Easy to use windows clipboard management tools.
![DreamFly Software Clipboard Box v5.0 英文正式版(Windows剪貼板的延伸軟體)](/softimage/SUP5422.jpg)