Acelogix Ace Utilities v5.3.0 英文正式版(系統清理軟體)
Ace Utilities是一個小巧而又功能強大,可以清理系統垃圾的工具。大家都有這個體
會:當你的Windows使用久了, 你的電腦中就會累積大量的垃圾,使你的系統變得很
慢。這些垃圾包括不必要的文件,壞掉的快捷方式 , 多餘的副本文件 , 系統註冊表的
死項目 , 歷史記錄資訊等。正是這些垃圾文件嚴重的影響了系統的性能。但是如果自
Ace Utilities,這些事情可以輕鬆搞定。
Ace Utilities is a set of system-maintenance and optimization
utilities for enhancing Windows performance. Tools include
Unneeded File Remover, for regaining valuable disk space,
Registry Cleaner, for preventing application crashes, Startup
Organizer, for preventing spy applications from running behind
your back, History Eraser, for ensuring your privacy, Duplicate
File Finder, for finding and removing duplicate files, Dead
Shortcut Fixer, for fixing and removing shortcut and Start menu
errors, Uninstaller Plus, for uninstalling applications
correctly, Disk Analysis, for analyzing your hard disk, Secure
Delete, for deleting files permanently, and Cookie and Plug-in
managers, for erasing the history of more than 200
applications. Your computer will boot faster and run
applications more smoothly. The program will help you delete
your Internet cache, cookies, temp files, visited page history,
and all other recent document info.
