Odin U Disk Encrypt Creator v8.8.8 英文正式版(U盤/閃存盤加密軟體)
din U Disk Encrypt Creator 是一個非常有用的U盤/閃存盤加密工具。其友好的界面引導用戶
加密你的U盤/閃存盤/移動硬碟/移動硬碟機容易。Odin U Disk Encrypt Creator 主加密/密碼
當你加密你的U盤/ U盤加密主閃存驅動器,沒有人可以打開文件,並在您的USB設備存儲。
Odin U Disk Encrypt Creator is a very useful U
disk/Flash drive encryption tool. Its friendly
interface guides you encrypt your U disk/Flash
drive/Portable Hard Drive/Mobile Hard Drive
easily.Odin U Disk Encrypt Creator encrypt/protect
external drives with the strong password to ensure
absolute confidentiality of your data. After you
encrypted your u disk/flash drive with Odin U Disk
Encryption Creator,No one can open the files and
documents located on your USB storage device except
you.Spotlight:The drives protected with Odin U disk
Encrypt Creator can be used with other Windows
computers, without needing to install Odin U Disk
Encrypt Creator on the computer.And protect your data
even if your computer has been infected by virus.
Encrypt entire U disk or Portion of flash drive
let you encrypt the whole U disk or the portion of
your U disk. Protect your data with strong encryption
Strong Cryptography
1344 Bit Military Strength disk encryption using the
best and most proven cryptographic algorithms such as
AES, Blowfish, Tea 16, Tea 32, Des, Triple Des, Misty
1 and Square.
The drive protected works for other computers without
installing the APP
Odin U Disk Encryption is the ideal solution to
encrypt USB disks and Pen drives without needing to
install the software on the computer.
Easy to Install, Deploy & Use
U Disk Encrypt Creator software requires minimal
administration and user training. Disk encryption is
completely transparent, requiring no change in the
users work with the computer..
Works on any Storage Medium
works on any kinds of removable medium such as
Floppy-, Zip-, Jazz-, Sygate-, CD-Rom, DVD- Drives
etc?and manages up to 16 TERABITE of encrypted data
or 4 GB .
