Pointstone Total Privacy v6.33c 英文正式版(清除痕跡保護隱私軟體)
Total Privacy是一個為Windows PC單用戶而設計的易於使用的強大和靈活的數據清除系統,
它可以完全清除和隱藏你全部隱私數據,如:cache, cookies, 收藏夾、記錄文檔等等。
Your computer is as personal as your bank account. Keep it
that way!
Total Privacy is a safe and easy-to-use to use privacy
protection tool that stops all those pesky snoopers such as
Cookies, history, index.dat, competitors (and even your
boss!) from finding the trail of your computer use that
modern internet browsers and many other programs leave
behind. All this can be accomplished with a single click on
the mouse, or even automatically!
With Total Privacy you get total confidence and peace of mind
for secure computer use by completely and permanently
removing all traces and history of your recent activity.
What's more, Total Privacy also helps improve and optimize
your computer's performance. By deleting all those
unnecessary temporary files, install/uninstall records and by
cleaning your internet browser cache, Total Privacy will keep
your computer functioning as smoothly and as quickly as it
Total Privacy 5 makes use of the most advanced washing and
shredding methodsavailable today to make sure that your own
private business and computer use remains exactly that -
