NetDisturb Enhanced Edition v6.1.10 英文正式版(基於PC的軟件測試軟體)
NetDisturb 是一套基於PC的軟件測試工具,它能對IP網絡產生丟包或時延干擾。
◆ 以數理規程來產生丟失和時延干擾,它們可用於用戶自定義的數據流(發送或接收)。
◆ NetDisturb插在兩個以太網段(來自同一LAN或不同LANs)當中,可進行雙向的包傳輸。
NetDisturb software is a network emulator software (IPv4 & IPv6)
generating user-defined impairments: latency, delay, jitter,
bandwidth limitation, loss, duplication, modification of the
packet content and more
NetDisturb allows disturbing flows over IP networks helping to
study the behavior of applications, devices or services in a
disturbed network environment. NetDisturb is inserted between two
Ethernet segments acting as a bridge and operates bi-directional
packet transfer on Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit network
interface cards.
