Spoon Virtual Application Studio Enterprise v11.4.176 英文正式版(虛擬化套用軟體)
Spoon Virtual Application Studio使你能夠轉換Windows, .NET, Java, AIR, Flash,
So you are interested in joining one of the most successful
groups of all time? Then you might want to continue reading.
Not only can we offer whatever your heart might desire, but
becoming part of the group will also be one of the more
significant decisions you perhaps will take.
Ever since our beginning in 1999 we抳e strived to make a group
that not only is a group of knowledge, but a gathering of
people that wants friendship, devotion, respect and fun. Hard
work is what has brought us where we are today, and hard work
is also what we would expect from you.
Given the amount of hours we all put into this every day, we
like to see our self as a secondary family. We strive to take
care of each other and thus ?mutual respect is the essence of
our group. We never pushed for being elite, as we do not believe
that any of us deserve the mark of the elitists. Every member
of our group is taught to honor the next guy or gal with the
same respect as he or her demands for themselves. The same
thought applies to how we look at other groups.
Are you ready to become part of a family? Do you think you have
what it takes? Then now is the time to get up and contact us.
Perhaps you will find a new road to follow with us. Open
positions are as follows, but if you do feel you have something
to contribute with but feel that it doesn抰 match any of the
open positions, then do contact us and let us be the judge
of that.
