Tordex True Launch Bar v6.6.9 RC2 英文正式版(啟動欄優化軟體)
True Launch Bar 是一款功能強悍的快速啟動欄工具欄軟件,可以對大量快捷圖標進行分組。
True Launch Bar - Superior replacement for the standard Quick
Launch Bar.
- Apps and files are a just click away
Looking at the motley crowd of shortcuts on your computer
desktop but not able to find the one you need? Do you often
find yourself looking for an app to run rather than doing your
work? True Launch Bar can make your day go easier as it can
solve these and many other problems related to quick access to
your PC content!
It's the same Windows desktop you know and love. But with True
Launch Bar, your workspace becomes more convenient and fun to
use. Create a custom menu on the taskbar to list similar apps.
Drag and drop necessary shortcuts there. Select menu icons to
find applications quickly. If icons are not enough, True Launch
Bar can show tooltips for you to find what you are looking for
almost on autopilot. With separators and submenus, you can
group items by topic and create any kind of a custom menu you
want. Are you a fully-fledged touch typist? Awesome! True
Launch Bar lets you specify hot keys for menus and shortcuts to
open them with a touch of a button.
With True Launch Bar, any application is just a click away!
- Keep important things at hand
With True Launch Bar, reaching for computer folders just became
the easiest part of customizing your computer desktop to your
needs. Create a custom menu from a folder using the program and
everything you want will come to life with a mouse click. My
Documents, Control Panel, Games and everything in between:
you'll be able to create menus for all folders! For example,
you can create a menu with printers and manage them from the
context menu. True Launch Bar can show thumbnails of your
photos in a menu or display the list of recent documents.
Filters can help you focus only on the files you need in a
