Xpadder v2015 01 01 MULTILINGUAL 英文正式版(把搖桿模擬成鍵盤和滑鼠的軟體)
有的遊戲都能用遊戲桿來操作。但是沒有人規定只能用在遊戲上,所以利用 Xpadder
If you're addicted to consoles, but
your favorite games have little or no
support for controllers, Xpadder is
one of the best solutions to this
problem. This awesome utility is able
to simulate the mouse and keyboard in
almost any game, while allowing you
to fully customize the functionality
of the console.
Xpadder doesn't need installation and
leaves no traces in your computer
registry. When you run it for the
first time, it prompts you to choose
the folder for saving the profiles
and places a desktop shortcut for
easy access.
Xpadder is able to read up to sixteen
controllers and to assign the most
popular key combinations and mouse
gestures. It features a turbo mode
and can configure no less than eight
sets of controls in each profile.
The application automatically detects
when you connect a controller and
once the connection is established,
configuration is at your fingertips.
You can save different profiles for
each of the games you plan on playing
or for each of the consoles you own.
Setting up a profile is not rocket
science. You can assign it an image
(generally, of the controller model
or of the game -- templates are
available on the developer's
website), followed by placing the
sticks, additional buttons and
triggers, then press 'Finish'.
The next step is to assign keyboard
or mouse shortcuts to each of the
sticks / buttons. You can use
virtually any hotkey you wish and
enable Turbo mode for key pressing.
When configuring Mouse Options, you
can customize the emulation speed and
perform little tests just to make
sure it's set to the right amount.
Once the configuration is done
properly, you can fully enjoy the
advantages of consoles in a game that
normally does not support
controllers. The only games that
cannot be used in harmony with
Xpadder are the ones that use
GameGuard (an anti-cheating rootkit).
