Binary Fortress Software LogFusin v3.1.5 英文正式版(控制單顯示器應用軟體)
Binary Fortress Software DisplayFusion Pro DisplayFusion 控制單顯示器或者多
顯示器窗口位置及大小, 集成 Flickr 圖片搜索及下載.和用純快捷鍵來控制窗口的大
小和位置的 MurphySizer 功能類似,不過多顯示器支援很是不錯。使得你使用2個或者
The LogFusion application was
developed to be a powerful log
monitoring tool that makes parsing
your logs easy. Take advantage of
LogFusion's Row Highlighting and Text
Filtering features to quickly filter
your log and only show the relevant
lines you are looking for.
Use the Custom Columns feature to let
LogFusion parse and split your logs
into separate columns for easier
reading. Just like the popular 'tail'
program in Linux/Unix, LogFusion can
also auto-scroll and always show you
the newest lines in your log files in
LogFusion can load any text logs,
including web server logs, developer
debug logs and any other text that is
outputted to a file. LogFusion can
also read Event Logs in real-time,
and can even use it's powerful Text
Filtering and Row Highlighting
features to help you find specific
![Binary Fortress Software LogFusin v3.1.5 英文正式版(控制單顯示器應用軟體)](/xboximage/SUP6820.jpg)