Gmail Notifier Pro v5.3 Multilingual Happy 13th Birthday TEA 英文正式版(任務欄提示軟體)
Gmail Notifier Pro 是一款單純的任務欄提示工具,它可以幫助你更方便地監視自己的
賬號,第一時間獲知來信與訂閱更新。支持:Google Gmail, Google Calendar, Google
News, Google Reader 或任意 RSS/Atom 源。同時,它也包含簡單的郵件發送、管理功能,
Gmail Notifier Pro is a Windows application capable of checking
multiple Google Gmail accounts for new mail and display
notifications. Google Calendar, Google News, Google Drive,
Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft SkyDrive, Feedly and
RSS/Atom feeds are also supported.
In addition to the Google services, Gmail Notifier Pro provides
notifications for Microsoft Exchange accounts and any IMAP or POP
mail account, including Microsoft (formerly Live
Hotmail) and Yahoo! Mail.
Multilingual: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian,
Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian,
Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish,
Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
