Piriform CCleaner Professional v5.14.5493 英文正式版(系統優化和隱私保護軟體)
不再使用的垃圾文件,以騰出更 多硬盤空間。
臨時文件夾、歷史記錄、回收站等進行垃圾清理,並可對註冊表進行垃圾 項掃瞄、清理
Faster Computer
Is your computer running slow? As it gets older it collects unused
files and settings which take up hard drive space making it slower
and slower. CCleaner cleans up these files and makes it faster
Safer Browsing
Advertisers and websites track your behavior online with cookies
that stay on your computer. CCleaner erases your browser search
history and cookies so any internet browsing you do stays
confidential and your identity remains anonymous.
Error graph
Fewer Errors & Crashes
Over time your registry can become cluttered with errors and
broken settings which lead to crashes. CCleaner's patented
registry cleaner clears out this clutter to make your PC more
Quicker Startup
Many programs run silently in the background when you start up
your computer. CCleaner helps you get to work, or play faster by
letting you disable unneeded programs.
