Futuremark 3DMark v1.4.780 Professional Edition 英文正式版(硬件性能基準測試軟體)
3DMark 在一個應用中集成了硬件性能基準測試所需的一切功能。無論您是在智能手機、
平板電腦、筆記本電腦、膝上型電腦、台式機還是高性能遊戲電腦上玩遊戲,3DMark 都
擁有專為您的設備類型而設計的基準測試。除了 Windows,本產品還支持其他平台。您還
可將您的分數與安卓和 iOS 設備進行對比。
3DMark is a computer benchmarking
application developed to assess the
performance of your computer?s
graphics card. The program is able to
measure the hardware capacity of
various devices, from tablets and
smartphones to personal computers.
3DMark supports the latest graphics
technologies (comprising DirectX 11
benchmarking capabilities), but is
also able to work with DirectX 9 and
10 hardware. Bent on evaluating 3D
graphics abilities, it?s safe to say
that the targeted audience consists
mostly of gamers.
Much like any other benchmarking
application, 3DMark assesses and
rates your graphics card with a score
(high scores indicate better
performance). What sets 3DMark apart
from similar software is the
possibility to compare scores across
platforms (Windows, iOS and Android).
Benchmarking your hardware with
3DMark is fun and complication-free.
The software includes three major
tests, all of which are pleasant to
explore, because of the stunning
graphics bundled in each of them.
The first one, Fire Strike includes
the most technical benchmark, with
state-of-the-art showcase graphics.
Its complexity makes is suitable for
high-end, high-performance personal
Cloud Gate, the second of the
trinity, is built on the DirectX 11
engine, but also supports DirectX 10
hardware. Consisting of two graphical
tests and a physics test, it?s aimed
at notebooks and typical home
The last of the tests, namely Ice
Storm is designed for a wider array
of devices, including smartphones and
tablets and is able to test DirectX 9
graphics cards. As a side note, even
though 3DMark supports DirectX 9 / 10
hardware, the device put to test
needs to encase DirectX 11 compatible
All in all, 3DMark makes one of the
best choices, considering its
competitors. It?s specialized on
assessing the performance of graphics
cards, which makes it a must for
