SWE UltimateZip v9.0.0.22 英文正式版(壓縮軟體)
UltimateZip是一個壓縮工具,支持Zip,Blak Hole,Cabinet,Jar,Lha ,GZip ,
Tar及Tar-GZip壓縮文件。還能解壓縮Ace,Arc,Arj ,Pak ,Rar,Zoo壓縮文件,
More than just compression. UltimateZip is an all-in-one, complete
solution designd to your specific needs. From easy home use to company
backup solutions, UltimateZip is all you need.
Standard Version. The standard version is not limited in features and
offers all tools, for professional solutions around file archiving. This
version is for home users and small buisiness.
Buisiness and Enterprise Version. Our flexible product plans will get you
the features you want, for an unbeatable price. Even Cross-Updates from
similar products are possible.
