Glary Utilities Pro v5.64 英文正式版(系統維護軟體)
Glary Utilities 是一系列系統工具合集,能夠修理、加速、增強和保護你的電腦
IE 外掛,分析磁碟空間使用情況,尋找重複檔案。另外 Glary Utilities 還能最
佳化記憶體、尋找、修理或刪除快捷方式,管理 Windows啟動程式、移除軟體、安
Glary Utilities is a collection of system tools and
utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your
PC.It allows you to clean common system junk files, as
well as invalid registry entries and Internet
traces(plug-in support for 45+ external programs).You can
also manage and delete browser add-ons, analyze disk
space usage and find duplicate files.Furthermore, Glary
Utilities includes options to optimize memory,find, fix,
or remove broken Windows shortcuts, manage the programs
that start when Windows does and to uninstall software.
Other features include secure file deletion, an Empty
Folder finder and more.
