Bitsum Technologies Process Lasso Pro v8.9.8.94 x64 英文正式版(系統優化軟體)
Process Lasso 是一款獨特的調試級別的系統優化工具,主要功能是動態調整各個
進程的優先順序並設為合理的優先順序類以實現為系統減負的目的,此項特性被 P
rocess Lasso 定義為超載抑制(out-of-control restraint),可有效避免藍屏、
假死、進程停止回應、進程佔用 CPU 時間過多等症狀。 同時它還具備前臺進程推
進 、工作集修整、進程黑名單等附加特性。
Process Lasso 對您系統的優化是完全即時+智慧的,不會修改任何系統既有配置。
Process Lasso is process and CPU optimization and automation
software for Windows. Automated and dynamic priority
optimization, CPU affinity optimization, automated rules,
automated power profiles; you name it and Process Lasso has
it. Although most consider Lasso the ultimate process
priority optimizer, it does so much more!
Don't be overwhelmed by all the options of Process Lasso. Our
ProBalance algorithm works out of the box to restrain unruly
programs. No additional configuration necessary!
