Authorsoft Click Translator v5.0.1.516 英文正式版(翻譯軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
Cute Translator: 功能強大的翻譯軟體,可以翻譯文本或是文件(PDF,DOC,TXT,HTML,
Click Translator: 方便的一鍵翻譯你選中的文字到其他12種主要語言. 翻譯結果以
Cursor Translator: 滑鼠指到哪個單詞, 它就翻譯哪個單詞. 支援12種主要語言.
Translate text from anywhere on screen with a single mouse
select and a key press. Click Translator is a tool that
provides instant translation of your selected text in 53
major languages. All you have to do is to select text from
anywhere on screen and with one keystroke you will get its
translation in a balloon message. Click Translator removes
language barriers across the World Wide Web and enables you
to communicate in different languages with ease.
