Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO v1.60.1.1000 英文正式版(惡意程式清除軟體)
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通過Malwarebytes Anti-Malware,你可以快速或者徹底的掃瞄你的系統,檢測或隔離/刪除你
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware是一套專門偵測rootkits、木馬、間諜軟體…等惡意程式的工具,
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware提供免費與付費兩種版本的軟體,其中免費版本少了即時監控、惡
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is a very
effective application especially
designed to keep malware away from
your computer. It can fight off
trojans, rootkits, worms, spyware,
rogues and more.
The program sports a tabbed interface
that provides a simple way to browse
among the main features. Malwarebytes
Anti-Malware enables you to perform
three types of scan, "Quick'',
''Full'' and ''Flash'', with the last
one specifically designed to analyze
memory and autorun objects.
The scanning process is pretty fast,
regardless if there's something wrong
with your computer or not. When the
operation is complete, the
application automatically generates a
report in which you抮e informed about
the files affected by malware, so
that you can safely take the most
appropriate action.
Cleaning the threats found by
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is again a
straightforward process that takes
only a few seconds and has an
efficiency rate close to perfection,
as we found out during our tests.
The 'Settings' tab lets you pick the
objects you wish to scan, including
memory, startup items, registry, file
system and others. The software also
comes with a heuristics engine that
increases the detection efficiency,
but can also flag safe processes as
potential threats.
