McAfee Device Control v9.3 P2 10TH BIRTHDAY 英文正式版(系統安全防護軟體)
McAfee Device Control是一款系統安全防護工具,保護您的企業免遭資料丟失
風險,密切監控企業資料,保證企業運營效率,借助 ePolicy Orchestrator 實施集中管
理借助單一的集中控制臺,簡化法規遵從證明流程。McAfee Device Control 可以防止資
料“脫離”企業監控,防止資料通過移動介質(如 USB 盤、MP3 播放器、CD、DVD)落入有
以對用戶將資料複製到移動存儲設備上的行為進行監控 — 無論用戶是在公司、家中,還是
McAfee Device Control protects your data from
falling into the wrong hands via removable storage
devices and media, such as USB drives, MP3 players,
CDs, and DVDs. It enables you to specify and
categorize which devices may or may not be used and
enforce what data can and cannot be transferred to
these devices in the office, at home, or on the
move. Device Control provides content- and
context-aware, device-blocking capabilities.
