SUU Design Video Thumbnails Maker v4.0.0.1 英文正式版(視頻縮略圖抓取軟體)
Video Thumbnails Maker可以幫助你高效地獲取影片文件的截圖和縮略圖。支援多種
Video Thumbnails Maker allows you to make thumbnails (caps,
previews, screen-lists) and screenshots of video files. The
utility can be used for home-video cataloging and for
network video sharing support.
Video Thumbnails Maker is coming with its own Viewer! The
main advantage of the Viewer is the ability to start the
related video-file right from the Viewer! The process is
automatic in activated version. In usual version you can
set the link between the picture and the video-file
manually within the Viewer.
