XemiComputers Dynamic Info Screen v11.2.7.120227 英文正式版(媒體製作工具軟體)
Dynamic Info Screen是一款可以幫助你快速的製作出專業的動態資訊演示的媒體製作工具!
Dynamic Info Screen is a program for
creating digital signage solutions
using standard PC computers running
Windows. With Dynamic Info Screen an
info screen project consists of one
or more scenes where each scene can
be made of different media objects
showing various types of information.
Those objects include a slide show,
media player, three forms of rss/text
feed, flash content, web/html page,
tv tuner, live camera and static text
label. You have full freedom to
compose a scene from available media
objects, then add more scenes with
different layouts and put everything
together in a project timeline with
each scene set to its own duration.
A completed info screen project gets
its own player executable that allows
you to transfer it easily to other
computers and maintain a network of
displays showing information to the
