Netralia VodBurner v1.1.0.169 英文正式版(記錄Skype視頻電話軟體)
- 捕捉每幀,最大解析度為盡可能最好的質量。
- 建立適合與他人分享的MP4或WMV文件。
- 編輯在後期製作控制台使用內置的影片。
- 改變在任何時候(這一邊,另一邊或兩者的人(S)
- 選擇任何攝像機組合和組影片呼叫的順序。
- 修剪部分通話,所以他們不會出現在最終生產。
- 通話雙方的音量平衡。
- 添加文字說明到最後的生產,與您選擇的字體,
- 添加圖片到最終生產。
- 添加背景音樂到最後的生產,專業的衰落
- 添加外部影片到最終生產。
- 上傳到YouTube的公共或私人的共享。
- 生成與您選擇的寬高比和解析度的影片。
- 建立與您的標準文本字幕範本,音頻等,以節省
- 720P現在,在更高的解析度紀錄,這些成為支援
- 記錄螢幕共享時,由對方共享。
- 生成的WAV文件包含音頻內容的呼叫。
- 防漂移技術保持同步調用的兩側。
- 播客採訪錄音的理想選擇。
Record Skype Video Calls and Edit for Free with Vodburner
VodBurner Features
- Record Skype video calls and create complete video productions from them.
- Capture every frame at maximum resolution for the best quality possible.
- Create MP4 or WMV files suitable for sharing with others.
- Edit the video using the built in Post-Production Console.
- Alter the person(s) shown at any point (this side, other side or both
- Choose any combination and order of cameras for Group Video Calls.
- Trim portions of the call so they do not appear in the final production.
- Balance the volume of the two sides of the call.
- Add text captions to the final production, with your choice of font,
color and background.
- Add pictures to the final production.
- Add background music to the final production, with professional fading
options and volume control.
- Add external video to the final production.
- Upload to YouTube for public or private sharing.
- Generate video with your choice of aspect ratio and resolution.
- Create templates with your standard text captions, audio etc. to save
on editing time.
- Record in 720p now, and in higher resolutions as these become supported
by Skype.
- Record screen sharing when shared by other party.
- Generate WAV files containing the audio content of the call.
- Anti-drift technology keeps both sides of the call in sync.
- Ideal for podcast interview recording.
