SlySoft CloneDVD Mobile v1.9.0.1 英文正式版(電影DVD轉換為手提式設備軟體)
CloneDVD mobile簡捷地將你的電影DVD轉換為手提式設備,例如Sony PSP, Apple iPod
Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision等,可以播放的格式. 你也可以轉換DVD
到其它文件格式,例如DivX, XviD, AVI, MP4等. 有了CloneDVD mobile,你可以將你喜歡
的電影或者電視劇放到手提式視像設備裡,不管何時何地你都可以觀看. 讓孩子們在汽車
裡面觀看他們喜愛的卡通片. 採用了Elby's CloneDVD的用戶友善界面和完美開發的開源
軟體MEncoder作為轉換引擎使得CloneDVD mobile成為一套快捷, 容易使用,高質量但是
定價適中的產品. 拷貝DVD到你的手提式視像設備只需要通過幾下滑鼠點擊,完全不必把
DVD錄製到硬碟. 友善提醒,拷貝受保護DVD需要AnyDVD.
功能簡介:轉換DVD電影到手提式視像設備上,例如Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio
X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision等,播放;轉換DVD電影到其他格式,例如DivX, XviD, AVI,
我們的Filmstrip助手會引導你一步步地設置 - 對於新手非常容易;轉換時顯示影像快照;
具備日誌;穩定, 快速,不需要任何ASPI驅動.
CloneDVD mobile converts your DVD movies quickly and easily
into a format that your portable device (Sony PSP, Apple
iPod/iPhone/iPad Video, Android, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN
Vision, etc) can play. You can also convert your DVDs to other
file formats, such as DivX, XviD, AVI, MP4, etc.
Watch your movies on the go
With CloneDVD mobile you can put your favourite movies or TV
series on your mobile video equipment and watch them wherever
and whenever you want. Let the kids watch their favourite
cartoons in the car.
Incorporating the user-friendly interface of Elby's CloneDVD
and the well-engineered open source project MEncoder as the
conversion engine makes CloneDVD mobile a fast, easy-to-use and
quality product that is very reasonably priced.
Copying a DVD to your mobile video machine is achieved in a few
mouse clicks and without the need to rip it to your hard-disk.
Note that copying protected DVDs also requires AnyDVD.
