lash Player Pro v5.7 英文正式版(Flash播放與管理軟體)
Flash Player Pro是一款功能非常強大的Flash播放與管理工具.主要功能有:瀏覽flash動畫(支持flash快進、快退和拖放)、捕捉flash圖像並發送為牆紙(抓圖也可以保存為圖像文件)、方便地製作flash屏保、在SWF文件和可執行flash(*.exe)文件之間相互轉換,以及更多功能.另外軟體的界面做的非常漂亮,設計也非常合理,很容易上手,所有這些功能可以用來增強或擴展現有flash文件的用途,再加上友好的界面為你提供了一個難以忘懷的flash動畫世界.
Flash Player Pro is a handy flash tool kit designed to play
and manage Macromedia flash movies. It has several powerful
flash tools: preview and browse flash movie, capture flash
image and set it as wallpaper, create flash screensaver
with ease, make conversion between SWF and EXE flash movies
etc. All of these features will help you enhance and extend
the using possibility of existing flash files. And with
friendly user interface, Flash Player Pro offers you a
fantastic animated flash world!
