AoA DVD Creator v2.6.2 英文正式版(視頻轉換軟體)
AoA DVD Creator提供給您一個便利的工具來建立或轉換您的影片為 DVD,使您可以在
您的家庭 DVD 播放機上觀看。通過 AoA DVD Creator,您可以輕易將拍攝的假期、婚
禮和家庭影片轉換為 DVD,您可以刻錄下來與您的親友分享!
With AoA DVD COPY, you own the most efficient way to create backup copies of
your DVD movie collection. These working copies allow you to play your DVDs
on home and computer DVD players every day without the inevitable risk of
getting your originals scratched or damaged. You get disc protection with no
loss of playback quality.
