Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 3 v3.0.5 英文正式版(影音剪輯軟體)
從日常事件到生命中最重要的記憶,照片中往往飽含著故事 - 讓 Ashampoo
Slideshow Studio HD 3 來述說。 最簡單快捷的將照片變成絢麗的高清影片
Your photos have a story - tell it with Ashampoo Slideshow Studio
HD 3.
Turn your photos into a cinematic experience with smooth zooms
and tracking shots, apply fully animated slide transitions and
create vibrant full HD videos with ease.
![Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 3 v3.0.5 英文正式版(影音剪輯軟體)](/xboximage/ULW2778.jpg)