WinTOPO v3.5.1.0 英文正式版(將光柵轉換成向量圖形的軟體)
WinTopo 是一款將光柵(Raster Image)轉換成向量(Vector)圖形的工具。WinTopo 的
的地質圖或者工程繪圖。轉換後的向量圖形可用於 AutoCAD 和 IntelliCAD 等 CAD
工具軟體。主要功能包括:輸入高達 24 位 RGB 格式點陣圖及TIFF,GIF,JPEG 等格式
文件;將光柵圖向量化為彩色線條圖;支援多種文件格式輸出,如 ARC、DXF、Mapinfo、
WinTopo Pro The professional version is for people
who want more processing options and finer control
over the vectorisation process. WinTopo Pro includes
many options for pre-processing the raster image to
get the optimum vectorisation result. It also benefits
from a more advanced vectorisation engine which has
resulted from our many years of expertise in
programming, engineering and image processing.
