蜘蛛俠:破碎維度 Spiderman Shattered Dimensions 英文正式版(ACT 動作遊戲軟體)(DVD9版)
蜘蛛人:破碎次元》(Spider-Man:Shattered Dimensions)是由加拿大的 Beenox 工作
室開發,Activision 代理發行的一款跨平台遊戲,9 月 1 日已經上市,對應平台為 Xbox
360、PS3、Wii 及NDS。近日,Activision 的一篇新聞稿中提及《蜘蛛人:破碎次元》將
會計劃在 PC 平台推出,並稱:「不久就將會在 PC 平台上與玩家相見」,該消息已得到
Activision 的確認,預計 PC 版將會在 2010 年年底發售。
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions blends together the many alternate
universes of the world-famous webslinger with four unique takes on
Spider-Man's history in comics. In the game, Spider-Man attempts to
retrieve a piece of a tablet that's been scattered across multiple parallel
dimensions, and in doing so he crosses over to storylines famous to comic
book aficionados as variant tellings (including The Amazing Spider-Man,
Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man Noir & Ultimate Spider-Man) of the Spider-Man