Ashampoo Music Studio 5 v5 0.5 英文正式版(音頻格式轉換軟體)
Ashampoo Music Studio 允許你完全管理您的音樂,擷取任何光碟格式,MP3音頻、燒
錄的CD / DVD/藍光。您可以錄製各種格式的音頻CD光碟、CD、MP3、WMA、啟用自動傳輸
Music Studio 5 is your all-in-one solution to create, edit,
design and produce your music.
?Ashampoo Music Studio is a breath of fresh air for your music
collection. Digitize, archive and organize your songs. Design
individual covers and inlays and burn your music to disc. Turn
your music videos into songs and enjoy your music on your PC,
smartphone or MP3-Player. Fast, easy, intuitive.
Audio CDs on your PC, smartphone or tablet
?Easy listening everywhere! Ashampoo Music Studio 5 imports your
CDs in superb quality, fast and easy. Have your favorite discs
on your PC or mobile device almost instantly
Video-2-Music: Videos as songs or ringtones
?Your favorite movie quote as ring tone? Enter Video-2-Music!
Ashampoo Music Studio 5 turns your favorite videos into songs
and ring tones, almost instantly. Extract opening/closing
credits or your favorite scene as audio file and cut, mix or
export them to a desired format.
Your personal party mix
?Always wanted to be your own DJ? Create your own party mix out
of your favorite songs and rock the next party. Add any number
of tracks with the click of a button and make your own remix.
Self-made Audio CDs
?Burn your music to CD and include fancy visuals with customly
designed covers and inlays. Also a great gift idea!
